This class will be for those that have little to no experience with handguns, those who were not taught correctly, or those who want to freshen up on their weapon-handling skills. We highly recommend taking this class before you take the License To Carry Course if you are not familiar with shooting. After this class, you should have no problems passing the LTC qualification course and will have a newfound comfort around your handgun. Most of the feedback after this class relates to students now feeling comfortable carrying their handguns. And you will have fun.
Subjects Covered:
Safe Weapon Handling
Proper shooting techniques (grip, stance, trigger pull, correct sight alignment)
Malfunction Clearances
Weapon Maintenance
Handgun (I have a few to borrow free of charge, please state on the registration form if you are using mine)
200 rounds of ammunition (If you are using a loaner from me bring 9mm- brass cased ammo only)
Eye and Ear Protection (Everyday prescription glasses are fine)
Sack lunch and/or snacks and water or other hydration drinks

This class is for the shooter that wants to take his/her shooting to the next level. We will build upon the techniques learned in the basic handgun 101 class to more advanced shooting techniques. This class is designed for a more active shooter. This class would also be good for anyone thinking of starting to do any kind of competition. You do not have to have taken my 101 class, but at least something similar.
Subjects Covered:
Recap and mastering of the basics
Multiple Targets/Follow up shots
Vertical Moving and shooting
Malfunction Clearances
One-handed shooting
“Other strong hand” shooting (Shawn’s way of saying weak hand)
A Pistol and 400 rounds of ammunition
Eye and ear protection
Holster with belt
At least two pistol magazines
Sack lunch and/or snacks and water or other hydration drinks

This class is for the more serious shooter who wants to be AWESOME, and who doesn’t want that. We will continue to build upon the subjects covered in Advanced Handgun 1. This class is good for new competition shooters that want to learn some tricks of the trade. It’s also great for advanced home defense types. We cover real-world situations that we have seen in our instructor cadre’s vast years of experience in both law enforcement and the military. After this class, you will be able to say you shot in just about every configuration a body can get into.
Subjects Covered:
Recap and mastering of the basics
Linear moving and shooting
Weapon retention
Weapon Reloads and Clearances with mock injury
Close quarter combat
Long-distance pistol
Barricade shooting
Drawing from concealment
A Pistol and 400 rounds of ammunition
Eye and ear protection
Holster with belt
At least two pistol magazines
Sack lunch and/or snacks and water or other hydration drinks

It’s one of the most important skills when it comes to self-defense that most people never practice and most ranges will not allow. This class will focus entirely on drawing and shooting from concealment. You will draw and shoot hundreds of times from the location you carry your firearm. Even if it’s from your purse, ankle, appendix, or taped to your back like Bruce Willis.
In this class, you will shoot entirely from concealment. It is imperative you have safe weapon handling skills to take this class. We will start slow with numerous dry firing draws and exercises, then progress to live fire drills totally from concealment. ($235)
Subjects Covered:
Concealment carry locations discussed
Effective drawing techniques
Reloads from Concealment
One Hand Drawing from Concealment
Shooting from Inside Vehicles and Sitting
Moving and Shooting
At least a basic firearms course/safe weapons handling skills
A holster or something that covers the trigger guard and a way to attach it to your body or bag
Clothes that you normally wear when carrying concealed (Shirt, coat, vest, backpack, purse, etc)
300 rounds of ammunition
At least two mags and a mag holder if on your body.
Sack lunch and/or snacks and water or other hydration drinks

It’s one of the most important skills when it comes to self-defense that most people never practice and most ranges will not allow. This class will focus entirely on drawing and shooting from concealment. You will draw and shoot hundreds of times from the location you carry your firearm. Even if it’s from your purse, ankle, appendix, or taped to your back like Bruce Willis.
In this class, you will shoot entirely from concealment. It is imperative you have safe weapon handling skills to take this class. We will start slow with numerous dry firing draws and exercises, then progress to live-fire drills totally from concealment.
Subjects Covered:
Concealment carry locations discussed
Effective drawing techniques
Reloads from Concealment
One Hand Drawing from Concealment
Shooting from Inside Vehicles and Sitting
Moving and Shooting
At least a basic firearms course/safe weapons handling skills
A holster or something that covers the trigger guard and a way to attach it to your body or bag
Clothes that you normally wear when carrying concealed (Shirt, coat, vest, backpack, purse, etc)
300 rounds of ammunition
At least two mags and a mag holder if on your body.
Sack lunch and/or snacks and water or other hydration drinks

Many people think you have to have an LTC before you can even buy or possess a gun and believe this class is the first step. That's not true. This is mainly classroom and the only shooting you do is the 50 round qualification course. We have seen numerous students that do not know how to handle firearms take this class. If you haven't had any formal training please take our Handgun 101 class first. Since we aren't doing this class much anymore, after constituional carry came out, we suggest taking the classroom part online and then signing up for our Handgun 101 class. Bring your online class form to the 101 class and we will get you qualified and you will learn so much more about actually shooting. This class is the class mandated by the State of Texas and DPS that you have to complete before you are able to obtain a Texas License To Carry. The class will be 4-6 hours long (mandated by DPS). You will be getting quality instruction from active duty SWAT officers. ​The easiest course of action for obtaining your LTC is to go online to Texas DPS Handgun License Site and click on “Licensing and Registration” and then follow the prompts. The background causes the longest delay in the LTC process. The sooner you get your fingerprints submitted the faster you will get your LTC. You can schedule an appointment for your fingerprints and pay for everything online through the DPS website. You can take the LTC class at any time, but your license will not be issued until the background is complete and your LTC class paperwork is submitted.​Requirements:
A handgun you are capable of shooting or borrow one from us, free of charge.
(2 magazines if you have it)
200 rounds of ammunition (9mm if you are borrowing a gun from us)
Pen and paper
Sack lunch and/or snacks and water or other hydration drinks

Are you one of those guys who went out and bought an AR-15 or other carbine and have a good idea of how to shoot it but not so much how to really deploy it? You need to know how to work reloads and malfunctions under stress. In this class, we start slow and get you ready for our more Advanced Carbine classes. This is a beginner-level course for people wanting to become familiar with their carbine (AR-15).
Subjects Covered:
nomenclature of the rifle
loading and unloading
cruiser ready storage
what's needed vs wanted
Fundamentals of rifle shooting
malfunction clearances
weapon reloads
site offset and holdovers
red dot down drills
malfunction clearnaces
Carbine style rifle with sling with a minimum of 350 rounds
Belt and Holster that securely attaches to the belt
Eye and Ear protection
Athletic style footwear (No sandals or open-toed shoes)
Sack lunch and/or snacks and water or other hydration drinks
Carbine 101
RED DOT Fundamentals

This class will teach you to find that dot faster and more efficiently. We will also make your draw more effective, allowing for that first-round hit to be faster. We will discuss zeroing the dot, how to not hunt for that dot, close-quarter combat and distance shooting, efficient and fast draws (great for those carry optics competitors), tracking the dot, shooting on the move, and much more. Several KranzFTG instructors attended four days of training from Scott Jedlinski of Modern Samurai Project to include the instructor course. We will be bringing all of this knowledge to you. This is a two-day class.
Subjects Covered:
Zeroing your red dot.
Red Dot fundamentals
Recoil Management
Faster Draws
Dot tracking
Target transitions
Shooting on the move
Red dot mounted pistol
3 mags (2 on body)
Good Holster No Serpas (Concealment is fine)
750 rounds of reliable ammo (With the current ammo situation you can always self regulate and shoot less)
Ear and eye protection.
advanced CARBINE

We will focus mainly on the carbine but bring your pistol rigs too, as we will do multiple transitions. We will spend a short time confirming zeroes, then we will learn about height over bore offsets, point shooting, and quick target acquisitions. We will advance to moving and shooting in real-life type scenarios, not just walking and shooting. You will get to see the effects of shooting with your rifle turned to the side while shooting under a car and you will get to document those results. You will learn how to clear the hardest of malfunctions with greater efficiency and make those reloads much faster and smoother. This class will be great for the carbine enthusiast and will be a great class to attend to help you win a gunfight should that need ever arise. Everything will be inside 100 yards. If time allows we will cover off hand shooting and injured shooter drills.
DO NOT sign up for this class unless you have basic handgun and rifle safety skills. If you haven’t been to any type of structured firearms training, try my Handgun 101 or Carbine 101.
Subjects Covered:
Zeroing distances and why
Recoil Control
Moving and shooting
Weapon Transitions
Various Distance shooting
Mechanical Offset (Carbine)
Safety Manipulation
Fighting in/around vehicles​
Stressful shooting scenarios
Pistol with 50 rounds
Carbine style rifle with sling with a minimum of 350 rounds
Belt and Holster that securely attaches to the belt
Eye and Ear protection
Able to get the heart rate up and perform safe weapon manipulations
Sack lunch and/or snacks and water or other hydration drinks

This class is for the Sniper in all of us or for the hunter that wants to make sure he/she does not miss that trophy buck, AGAIN! On day one we will shoot out to whatever your equipment will allow, documenting your dope (depending on the range-at least 1000 yards). Day two will consist of positional shooting from numerous types of barricades and props you will find in the environment and commonly used in PRS matches.
(2-day class $500-600 depending on range)
Subjects Covered:
Data Collection
Applied Ballistics
Alternate shooting positions
Cold Bore
Scope/ Reticle Considerations
Mils vs MOA
Range Estimation
Angle shooting
Cover vs Concealment
Scoped Rifle
Bipod or pack for front support
Pencil/Note Pad
250-400 rounds of Match Grade Ammunition
Ear protection
Shooting mat (if possible)
Smart Phone (if possible)
Sack lunch and/or snacks and water or other hydration drinks

With everything going on in the world today, there is a good chance you will have to be your own first responder to save you or the person(s) life next to you. This class isn't just for shooters. You can use this class to save a life in any bleeding injury that can happen to people injured in a severe automobile or mechanical accident, active shooters, or disasters.
Our instructors will teach you in person, using training materials specially developed to teach bleeding control techniques for self-application and/or the person(s) next to you. They will not only instruct you; they will be available to check your movements as you practice tourniquet applications, wound packing, pressure dressing, and chest seals. They will keep working with you until you demonstrate the right skills to STOP THE BLEED® and save lives. Once you have passed these skills tests, you will leave with a STOP THE BLEED® certification and be versed in practical applications.
*This course will be combined with range time and how to apply these bleeding control techniques while under duress and active shooter situations. The first half of the class will be hands-on trauma care with props to mimic real-life injuries. The second half will be on the range shooting while applying these techniques to yourself or others. We bring all the equipment needed for the trauma applications. If you do not want to participate in the shooting portion, that's fine, you can still practice the techniques under the stress of the gunfire.
Subjects Covered:
Tourniquet Application
Wound Packing
Chest Seals
Pistol and approx 200 rounds of ammo (If you are using a loaner from me, bring 9mm- no steel cased ammo) (You can self regulate depending on ammo supply)
Holster (suggested-not mandatory)
Eye and ear protection( prescription glasses are acceptable)
Sack lunch and snacks and water or other hydration drinks

We do private lessons for small groups for any of the classes listed. The instruction is a half-day lesson lasting 4 hours and the cost is $550. That cost will cover up to two students. If you have three or more students the cost will be $250 a student and once over six students, more instructors will be added. Please email or call us to set up an appointment. We try to do these privates during the week and if it's during the summer we prefer to start at 7:00 am in order to beat the heat. ​​

What would you do if someone came into your home and was attempting to harm your children or loved one? This is probably many people’s worst fear. Even if you are not a person willing to defend yourself or others with a deadly weapon there are things you can do to keep yourself and your loved ones safe if an event like this ever occurs.
This course deals with the tactics of keeping you and your family safe while in your home. The course will make use of tactical simulations and emphasis will be placed on decision making in role-playing scenarios. The decision-making will include both tactical decision-making and deadly force decision-making while under stress. The course is designed for single, pairs, or full families living in the same home to learn techniques to prevent becoming victims and to protect everyone in the home. This is taught at YOUR HOME for a fee of $550 (depending on proximity to McKinney) and generally lasts four hours.
Subjects Covered:
Combat mindset
Legal considerations
Tactical principles and techniques
Equipment considerations
Marksmanship fundamentals
Active defense plans for each member of the home (including non-shooters)
Communicating within the family and with law enforcement personnel
Fields of fire
Tactics such as room clearing and managing danger areas like doorways, and hallways
Working alone or in pairs
Interaction with assailants
Interaction with responding emergency personnel and investigating officers
Medical considerations